Tutorial Kotak Dalam Entri

agi! Lagi! Dan lagi Tutorial ye. Kali ni tutorial macammana nak buat kotak dalam entry. Kotak dalam entry ni biasanya pada sesapa yang suka buat tutorial. Nak tau step mudah? Sila fokes bekbaik tau..

1. Design --> edit HTML
2. Cari code</b:skin>
3. paste code kat bawah nie di atas code tadi.

.eh-textarea {
background: #fff;
font:12px arial;
border:1px dotted #289728; }

.eh-textarea:hover {
border:2px solid #666;

Kalau suke, boleh ubah mengikut citarasa. 

background: #fff; –> This Changes background color of the text area
width:400px; –> This changes width size of box
height:40px; -> This changes box height
color:#666; -> This changes font color inside text box
font:12px arial; –> This changes font size and font family respectively
border:1px dotted #289728; } –> This changes the border size, style (i.e dotted, solid, dashed) and color. Editing it will change the look of the border/outline across the text

.mbt-textarea:hover {
color:#289728; –> This changes font color on mouse hover
border:2px solid #666; -> This changes border size, style and color on mouse hover

Bila nak post entry tutorial yang ada code tu, korang kopipes code bawah ni kat post korang. Siap sudah..

<textarea class="eh-textarea" readonly="readonly">Ur Text Here</textarea>
